Interested in sinking your teeth into this science?

Send us teeth

You can send any teeth you have to our research team (baby teeth, adult teeth, teeth that naturally fell out, teeth that were extracted, teeth that you stored, etc.). If it's a human tooth, we'll take it! If interested, please contact the Dunn Lab at for instructions on how to send them to us.

Learn more about what we are doing

If you’d like to learn more about how teeth can be used in scientific research and what happens when you donate teeth to science, check out our blog post.

We welcome the chance to talk to the press about our research. If you are a journalist interested in finding out more about our work, please contact to schedule an interview with the study’s Principal Investigator, Dr. Erin Dunn.

Work with us

To answer challenging research questions, it takes a village. That’s why we’re always looking to expand our team and build new collaborations. Interested in partnering with us? Reach out. We would love to hear from you.